
The Fresh Fruit in My Life

Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring and because it has fresh peaches in it.
- Thomas Walker

I secretly enjoy where i am. Not knowing where i'm going, but just being. It's a time of growth and self-discovery. I like knowing that i'm changing into a cool person, not the lame-o person i was my senior year of high school. I like thinking about if i visited high school and people watched, discovering the differences between me and the senior class. i feel as though it would be an enlightening discovery.



But, at the same time, i hate the drifter feeling. it's quite a complicated feeling. Some days i feel as though i have no purpose to fufill and God is just like "well tomorrow you'll have purpose" (which i know is completely false, everyday has purpose. it's just a feeling). Like life is passing me by, and i forgot to buy a ticket. I feel like people have boarded the train of life and i didn't get the memo in time.

I think i need to get out more, experience the world. Find the fresh peaches of my life.

That would be nice.

1 comment:

  1. I feel so cool that a picture I discovered made it onto a blogpost. I have no words. I just feel like one of the cool kids, you know?

    And just a little reminder: God has bought your train ticket, and he is bringing the right train around just for you.

