
Blithe Summer

How sweet I roamed from field to field, and tasted all the summer's pride.
-William Blake

i feel it's appropriate to commemorate the return of summer. it comes every year without fail. the hot breeze, the cotton dresses, the smiles and carefree laughter. there is nothing bad about summer. the beach is finally crowded again. the boats return to the cool waters and sail with blithe.

In summer, the song sings itself.
-William Carlos Williams


Gouttes de Pluie

I love the rain. I want the feeling of it on my face.
-Katherine Mansfield
the rain speaks to me in a way that nothing else can. the smell of rain on skin combined with wet trees and grass is one of the greatest smells in the world. there is nothing better than watching the rain, listening to good music and of course the cup of coffee :).
