
The Fresh Fruit in My Life

Life is better than death, I believe, if only because it is less boring and because it has fresh peaches in it.
- Thomas Walker

I secretly enjoy where i am. Not knowing where i'm going, but just being. It's a time of growth and self-discovery. I like knowing that i'm changing into a cool person, not the lame-o person i was my senior year of high school. I like thinking about if i visited high school and people watched, discovering the differences between me and the senior class. i feel as though it would be an enlightening discovery.



But, at the same time, i hate the drifter feeling. it's quite a complicated feeling. Some days i feel as though i have no purpose to fufill and God is just like "well tomorrow you'll have purpose" (which i know is completely false, everyday has purpose. it's just a feeling). Like life is passing me by, and i forgot to buy a ticket. I feel like people have boarded the train of life and i didn't get the memo in time.

I think i need to get out more, experience the world. Find the fresh peaches of my life.

That would be nice.


The Passion in My Soul

I discovered how key music is in my life. I always knew it was a part of who i am, and what i do, but i never sat down and thought about how music is a part of my life, minute to minute it is a vital part of my survival. The survival for my sanity in the chaotic world that i live in.

The movement of notes from measure to measure. The poetry of words flowing one into the next. It's amazing.



Music is what feelings sound like.
-Author Unknown

Feelings. I love that quote because you can feel music. Whether it be with the Sadness, Despair, Fear, Glee, Ecstatic, or Silly part of your heart, you feel music.

Without music the world would be a quieter place, with less feeling and passion. God has blessed mankind with the ability to create. To create music, art, literature, etc. out of passion.

The passion is what keeps my soul alive and thriving.


Celebration of the Unknown

I remembered a really great word today. Benevolence. I've decided to make this part of my life theme. There are definitely more aspects to the theme of my life, but i feel as though benevolence is a good aspect.

“The true source of cheerfulness is benevolence.”

I don't know who says that quote, but I feel as though they're pretty correct in their statement. I know for me, when i go out of my way to "do good" i know i feel pretty cheerful.



I've decided to not figure life out. Well, eventually I hope the epiphany happens, but as of right now in my life. I don't feel like trying to figure out the thoughts that God is making unavailable for me. I almost enjoy not knowing what to do with my future.

It's that cool unknown fact that you can almost see, but can't. Today is the celebration of the unknown, and I am completely content with that.


Fashion Savvy in Life

This picture makes me happy. The combination of colors and the way the model is looking away, with no care in the world. It's almost as if I want my view upon my life to be as carefree and fashion savvy. I believe that my life will continue in the direction of art. Yes, I know I already said that. I somehow believe that despite all the classes I've taken I have come to a brilliant conclusion. I either want to work in a gallery or design.

I know, I know. Sounds real reliable for me to eventually raise a family. But I feel as though I should be doing something along those lines. I read an article discussing vocation and I came across an illuminating quote.

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.

I like this. Because all my life I have been a deep individual. Deeply immersed in the cultures of music and art. I feel like I can make a contribution to God if I follow my passions.

For what good is it to the world if I am not passionate with what I do?

The Simplicity of Chaos.

I've decided to create a blog. Obviously. I figure that since I'm not sure what to do in my life, someone will be interested to see where I turn out.

I love art.

It's that simple, but at the same time nothing is simple. Just as a relationship with a friend or a lover. Nothing is as simple as it seems.

But i really like that fact. It makes life a bit more interesting.