
Celebrations...Yet Again

Today I'm 20. There's really not much else to say except that I like celebrating things. Ollie likes to celebrate too.

Life is like a train ride. Some people will sit next to you and talk to you. Some will just stand around…oblivious to your existence. Some will have to leave the train while you’re having a great conversation and who knows when you’ll see them again. And if you’re lucky, there’ll be those who will sit and talk to you throughout the whole journey.
-From a dear friend


Eternal Sunshine

Hi. I saw you sitting over here, alone and I thought, wow, thank god, someone normal who doesn’t know how to interact at these things either.
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a f*cked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours.
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Most people fail at whatever they attempt because of an undecided heart. Should I? Should I not? Go forward? Go back? Success requires the emotional balance of a committed heart. When confronted with a challenge, the committed heart will search for a solution. The undecided heart searches for an escape. A committed heart does not wait for conditions to be exactly right. Why? Because conditions are never exactly right.
-Andy Andrews
On the Radio by: Regina Spektor
Over the Hill by: Agnes Obel


The End Never Was

Lovers' names, carved in walls
Overlap, start to merge
Some of them underneath
Maybe they appear
In graveyards
Maybe they fade away
Weathered and overgrown
Time has told

Let us rejoice in the sun.

Lover's Carving by: Bibio


The Last in the Bag

One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple.
-Jack Kerouac

My apologies if I haven’t written in a while. It’s just that words ran out of letters (these are the last in the bag). It’s just that language isn’t perfect. It’s just, me.
-I Wrote This For You

Birds of a Feather by: The Civil Wars


I No Longer See Anything Else

There are those things that I have seen only very seldom, and that I have not always chosen to forget, or not to forget, as the case my be; there are those things that having looked at in vain I never dare to see, which are all the things I love (in their presence I no longer see anything else); there are those things that others have seen, and that by means of suggestion they are able or unable to make me see also; there are also things that I see differently from to other people, and those things that I begin to see and that are not visible. And that is not all.
-André Breton

Riverside by: Agnes Obel


Maybe It Is Like That

Trying to know what to do is difficult
enough, let alone knowing what to do

anyway. I could take that at least two ways,
maybe more. For example, I could take a walk,

even a long walk and I would expect to walk
through the woods or a field or a park or downtown.

But what if I didn’t take a walk and instead just kept
the walk to myself, kept it here amidst all the indecision

about where to take that walk? I might pop open a Coke,
kick off my hiking boots, put on a smoking jacket

and pile up some Jane Austen and some Henry James,
just pile them up. And then maybe I’d talk with you

even though you are no longer here. It could be like that,
or maybe it is like that. And at night the sky would be full

of the same stars as the night before last. At least it seems that way.

-What Are You Supposed to Do Anyway? By: Jack Ridl

stars & the moon
The Violet Hour by: The Civil Wars


It Might Have Looked Like That

'I wish at any cost to be alone,' said the statue with the eternal look. Wind, wind that cools my burning cheeks. And the terrible battle began.
-Giorgio de Chirico

Love has a right to be spoken. And you have a right to know that somebody loves you. That somebody has loved you, and could love you. We all need to know that. Maybe it’s what we need most. So I wanted to tell you. And because I was afraid you thought I’d kept away from you because I didn’t love you, or care about you, you know. It might have looked like that. But it wasn’t that.
-A Fisherman of the Inland Sea by Ursula K. Le Guin

What Ever Happened by: The Strokes


Rain Polishing the Pavement

In the noisy street catastrophe goes by. He had come there with his anguished look. Slowly he ate a cake so soft and sweet it seemed he was eating his heart. His eyes were very far apart
What do I hear? Thunder rumbles in the distance, and everything trembles in the crystal ceiling; it is a battle. Rain has polished the pavement: summer joy.
A curious tenderness invades my heart: oh man, man, I want to make you happy. And if someone attacks you I will defend you with a lion's courage and a tiger's cruelty. Where do you wish to go; speak. Now the thunder no longer rumbles. See how the sky is pure and the trees radiant.
The four walls of the room broke him and blinded him. His icy heart melted slowly: he was perishing of love. Humble slave, you are as tender as a slaughtered lamb. Your blood runs on your tender beard. Man, I will cover you if you are cold. Come up. Happiness will roll at your feet like a crystal ball. And all the constructions of your mind will praise you together. On that day, I too will commend you, seated in the center of the sun-filled square, near the stone warrior and the empty pool. And towards evening, when the lighthouse shadow is long on the jetty, when the banners snap, and the white sails are as hard and round as breasts swollen with love and desire, we will fall in each other's arms, and together weep.
-The Man with the Anguished Look by: Giorgio de Chirico

Avril 14th by: Aphex Twin
Since it's April and all.
