
Precious Priviledge

So come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned. Just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings, forever.
-Peter Pan

I don't like planning things. It's nice to come home and have nothing planned except for my basic needs..like food. I love coming home to my own room and to both my family and friends. More than two feet of space that I can literally call my own is blissful. My deep red and white room filled with Parisian memoirs. I always have flowers, my eiffel tower in winter picture placed on my bead board, my les mis poster and of course my bookcases full of books. My room. It's where I create in both thought and deed. It's nice to create art. Whether it be a thought, a picture, or a drawing in my moleskine.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
-Marcus Aurelius

For some creative tunes check out, The Bad Plus (mostly their Prog album) and Carla Bruni (mostly Quelqu'un M'a Dit. Seriously top notch.)


That Song That Describes Your Entire Soul

Have you ever had a moment when you’re with the one person in the world you want to be with and the wind is blowing through your hair and the song that just describes your entire soul happens to come on and then the person you happen to want to be with happens to love the same song and suddenly you realize you’re listening to it together and no matter how crazy your life has gotten, there’s this one moment, this perfect moment where you could just say that no matter what happens nothing can take this moment away from me… and then something does.

this is my life these days. messy. cluttered. but still desperately trying. i think everyone should give a long, hard listen to some solid beirut or andrew bird. or some christmas music. your choice.