
Celebration of the Unknown

I remembered a really great word today. Benevolence. I've decided to make this part of my life theme. There are definitely more aspects to the theme of my life, but i feel as though benevolence is a good aspect.

“The true source of cheerfulness is benevolence.”

I don't know who says that quote, but I feel as though they're pretty correct in their statement. I know for me, when i go out of my way to "do good" i know i feel pretty cheerful.



I've decided to not figure life out. Well, eventually I hope the epiphany happens, but as of right now in my life. I don't feel like trying to figure out the thoughts that God is making unavailable for me. I almost enjoy not knowing what to do with my future.

It's that cool unknown fact that you can almost see, but can't. Today is the celebration of the unknown, and I am completely content with that.

1 comment:

  1. You my child, are full of wisdom. Would you care to lend me some of your brain matter? I keep trying to figure my life out, and I'm pretty sure my life is unfiguroutable at the moment. I <3 you.
