
Bisy Backson

I can't believe it's already february. I think that, that is absolutely ridiculous. Where did january go? Time flies.

But when you actually sit, breathe, and reflect, you realize that a month has flown past didn't really fly by. You act, you cry, you laugh, you listen, you learn, you talk. It's so interesting to think, even just for a day, at how many times you got angry over silly things or how many peals of laughter occurred that one night. It's very interesting and fascinating.

“Where you are going is more important than how fast you are going”



I feel as though, as human beings, we try to be busy. The tao of pooh. Great book, bisy backson chapter is exactly what i'm talking about. We think it will add to the resume we're building or get us into the college of our dreams to be busy and stressed. And yes, being busy helps with these. But what would happen if we cleared our schedule? For a day, an hour? And just did nothing? Caught up with a friend over coffee, went to lunch with a sibling, read the book you've been meaning to read for three years now, sent that email to your parents you meant to send a week ago?

I feel like if we did this, life would become more meaningful.


“Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours” -Dale Carnegie

I know i discuss my life plans a lot. I like reflecting upon the passions that God has graced me with, and how i can put them to use for his glory. And i thank Him everyday for the people he has placed into my life, to help me, to guide me, to drag me, to walk with me.

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